The Wild GirlsThe Wild Girls by Phoebe Morgan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Another wild ride (see what I did there?) from Phoebe Morgan. Such an atmospheric tale, the story sweeps you away, and I felt like I was right there in Botswana while reading this book. The characters were kick ass strong women and I loved that, there was a feeling of secrecy throughout and it took awhile to finally reveal what's really going on, that made the book very suspenseful and had me flipping pages. This is exactly the type of thriller I am always looking for psychological, a great setting, lots of tension and it surprised me. I really love the cover as well, this is the kind of book I would buy even though I've read it, it would make a beautiful addition to any bookshelf.

With many thanks to NetGalley, Phoebe Morgan and William Morrow and Custom House for the giving of the ARC.

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