A More Perfect UnionA More Perfect Union by Tammye Huf
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It is 1848 at The Jubilee Plantation and slave Sarah arrives to take care of six year old Thomas. Maple is in charge of the Kitchen and the Lady of the house, she also happens to be her half sister. Henry is from County Cork, Ireland...he made to America running from the potato famine and arrives in Virginia as a blacksmith working on Jubilee Plantation. The minute he lays eyes on Sarah it is love, for her it takes a bit more time.

I loved this book so much. Southern Historical Fiction is my favourite genre and I just couldn't get enough of this tale. It's part history, part romance and part biography....but 100% wonderful. We get all three points of view in this novel and I liked that about it, it goes from 1848 to 1850 so there is a lot going on and I never wanted it to end. I am hoping there may be a book two in the works as I would like to know what happens to Henry and Sarah in their future. The author based this story on her great-great grandparents (Suzie and Henry) and I think it led to an authenticity to the story, I loved learning about that. I highly recommend this intelligently told tale of how love can conquer all, even at the worse of times and to remind us that we are all human no matter the colour of our skin. All. The. Stars.

With many thanks to NetGalley, the talented Tammye Huf and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for the giving of the ARC.

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