Oh William! (Amgash, #3)Oh William! by Elizabeth Strout
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It's so easy to see why Elizabeth Strout has won or been nominated for so many literary awards. Her writing style of the ordinary is not only extraordinary but perfection. I believe I would rate her grocery list five stars, that's how much I enjoy her writing. I felt like I was at a coffee shop sitting down and sharing stories with my good friend, Lucy Barton, while I was reading this amazing book...Lucy and I are best buds now. How can a book that is a mere 245 pages make one feel so much? I really can't do this novel justice in my review, but I will say...All. The. Stars.

With many thanks to NetGalley, Elizabeth Strout and Penguin General UK - Fig Tree, Hamish Hamilton, Viking, Penguin Life, Penguin Business for the giving of the ARC.

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