Must Love Books by Shauna Robinson

My rating: 3.5 Stars
A book about books and a girl who loves books? Yes please! Who could not love a premise like this? I loved the realistic characters and I felt for Nora, she captured my heart. I was really cheering a romance on for her but alas, it was not meant to be I guess. I appreciated that the author handled the mental health issues with sensitivity and care, who of us has not need to dig deep and make a hard decision based on what is best for us. It was very brave of the author to put working for a publishing house in a bad light and we all know this is fiction! Even though the book started off a bit slow for me it was a great way to spend a cozy Sunday afternoon and I found it very entertaining.
With many thanks to NetGalley, Shauna Robinson and Sourcebooks Landmark for the giving of the ARC.
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