My Mother, Munchausen's and Me: A true story of betrayal and a shocking family secret by Helen Naylor
Four Stars For My Mother, Munchausen's and Me by Helen Naylor ☆☆☆☆ .ePUB, 306 pages Expected Publication: 25 November 2021 By Thread Books I wanted to read this book because I find Munchausen's and NPD so very interesting. I honestly think my own mother is borderline NPD and that's why this story fascinated me so much. Kudos to Helen Naylor for being brave enough to bare her soul and tell her personal story. I don't think I would have the guts to do that. This story felt personal because the author digs deep, she doesn't hold back and the writing style made it feel like she was speaking directly to me. I devoured this book in a couple sittings as I was captivated right from the beginning...I and learned something as well...I am amazed when books can do all that. I also felt a lot of different things while reading this. I felt so bad for Helen, especially her younger self. BUT her mother too should have some empathy, mental health wasn't looked at the same back...