The Girl in the MazeThe Girl in the Maze by Cathy Hayward
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this book so much! We start in 1937 with Betty and end in 2019 with Emma...BUT there are lots of points of view and timelines along the way. I know it sounds confusing BUT Cathy Hayward seamlessly entwines everything beautifully. The writing style makes you feel like you are reading a diary of these three generation of women and in some parts you are reading letters. I enjoyed the earlier years more than the current ones, but that's just my personal preference of time and place. This was a really sad book for the most part but there is also a lot of hope and even some joy for the future. Not every character was likable but you are given reasons why and it is heartbreaking. Cathy Hayward manages to write about hardhiting subject matter with a delicate hand and writes about mother daughter relationships with insight. This is a wonderful debut and I can't wait to see what Ms. Hayward comes up with next. All. The. Stars.

With many thanks to NetGalley, Cathy Hayward and Agora Books for the giving of the ARC.

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