The ChaletThe Chalet by Catherine Cooper
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

We have three timelines here, 1998, 2018 & 2020 and I LOVE dual timelines so having three....eeeekkkk. This book was very fast paced, I mean skiing in French Alps...what could go wrong amirite? I loved the snowy, wintery atmosphere in both timelines, there was a lot of tension in this plot and the suspense was killing me the whole time...I mean we start off with a guy going missing on the slopes! There is a lot of marital discord, brother against brother, business partners not getting along...add in some postpartum depression and we have a dysfunction stew and I loved it. I so enjoyed how the author was able to surprise me and how everything tied together in the end making a satisfying, cohesive conclusion. At just 243 pages this was the perfect way to spend a Saturday afternoon. I understand this is the author's debut novel and Ms. Cooper has another book due out in January of next year...I for one cannot wait to get my hands on it.

With many thanks to NetGalley, Catherine Cooper and Harper 360, HarperCollins for the giving of the ARC.

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