My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Nell's dad, Bill is dying of cancer, on his death bed he says to her "You need to now that I have always loved you even though you were never really mine to love." Unfortunately Nell's mother, Annie has early on-set dementia and cannot answer Nell's many questions about her father's statement. This beautiful story is told in two time lines of Now and Then and the book is from Nell and Annie's point of view.
The then chapters were so heartbreakingly sad and what poor poor Annie went through all those years ago. The writing was so real I truly felt Annie's pain. The now chapters had me cheering Nell on to find out the truth about her background. I didn't like Nell's sisters very much, they were bitches to be honest. I read this story in one sitting, it had my emotions all over the place and I liked that it touched on some major issues with heart. I highly recommend this very emotive read. All. The. Stars.
With many thanks to NetGalley, Hannah Beckerman and Amazon Publishing UK, Lake Union Publishing for giving of the ARC.
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