Jessica's Promise by Jill Childs

☆☆☆☆1/2 Kindle Edition, 288 pages Published October 29th 2019 by Forever (Grand Central Publishing) About the Book: Teresa's heart stops when she enters her daughter's bedroom to find that her sweet, trusting little girl is gone. Teresa can't bear to think who would take a terrified three-year-old from her mother in the middle of the night, but all the signs point to someone close to home. Hasn't Jessica's stepfather been acting a little odd? Or is it, as Teresa is beginning to fear, something to do with Angie, her daughter's babysitter who lives next door? Gentle, retired Angie-she must be lonely, with only her memories to keep her company in that big, old house. And she's always had a special connection with Jessica... But was trusting Angie with her precious daughter the biggest mistake of Teresa's life? This is a story that grabbed me from the prologue and didn't let go until the very end. What an intense read, so much was going thru my he...