Everything We Didn't Say by Nicole Baart

Everything We Didn't SayMy rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second book I've read by this author and I liked it so much more than the first. It starts off as a slow burn but in a very good way. I loved the two timelines of past and present, there are many characters in this book and the author did a wonderful job of making each one stand out. I loved that the ending surprised me and it was a very good one, family drama is my jam and this one is amazing in that many of the towns secrets are also revealed throughout. There is so much to love about this book...Murder, teenage pregnancy, family hiding truths and don't forget the mystery of it all. I loved being taken back in time and I really enjoyed how Juniper tried to be a better mother, even if it is years too late. I got sucked into these characters lives and was invested in the outcome because the plotline sucked me right in. The story is intricate and multi-layered and the narrative is perfect...this is a very intelligently written novel and I highly recommend it for Baart's wonderful writing alone.

With many thanks to NetGalley, Nicole Baart and Atria Books for the giving of the ARC.


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