The Choice by Alex Lake

The Choice
.ePUB, 345 pages
Expected publication: December 29th 2020 by Harper 360/HarperCollins

About the Book:
A kidnap…
Matt Westbrook only turned his back for a moment. But when he looks around, his car – with his three young children inside – has vanished.
A ransom…
Panicked, Matt assumes a car thief has got more than he bargained for, but then he starts to receive text messages: This is a kidnap. If you want to see your children again, you will exchange them for your wife.
A choice…
Matt and his wife Annabelle are horrified. They can’t involve the police, or their children will be killed. Which means they have to choose: Annabelle, or their children. Either option is unthinkable. But one is inevitable. And they have only hours to make their decision…

My Review:
This book has dual timelines starting at 2004 and working its way up to 2020. Even though the abduction took place in 2020 and Matt and Annabelle are frantically wondering about the whereabouts of their three children, and then Matt is worried for his wife, I enjoyed the 2004-2014 chapters MUCH more. It was more interesting leading up to the who and why than the now. I loved how the author provided many suspects through the 2004-2014 chapters. What I didn't love is the fact that I had the culprit figured out about half way through. Yet, it was an enjoyable journey to keep reading to see if I was correct.

We are given many points of view and I appreciated that the story was formatted in this way. We know about all about them but the victims parents don't have a clue who would do this, it kind of felt like I had one up on them. There were times I had a hard time putting the book down and I enjoyed the writing style, character development, and the overall plot. I took half a star off because I knew who did it BUT because of the readability factor I rounded up. This is my second book by Alex Lake and I look forward to reading more by this author.

😂 I Have To Agree With Matt's Thoughts on Jasmine Green Tea 😂

Drinking that muck again? I tried it...

- Thought I’d picked up some warm drain cleaner by accident.
- I have been using it, actually. It’s good for cleaning your feet.
- Someone came over the other day who I really don’t like, so I made them a cup.

Alex Lake, I like your sense of humour! 😁

Thank you NetGalley, Alex Lake and Harper 360/HarperCollins for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an impartial review; all opinions are my own.

#TheChoice #NetGalley


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