A Gift Called Hope by Eva Jordan

Print Length, 296 pages
Publication Date: October 21, 2022
By: Bloodhound Books
Goodreads | Amazon

About The Book:
Six-year-old Jack is counting the days to Christmas. But his grandmother is just counting the days until it’s over. For Jill, the holiday comes with painful memories, and she wants only to escape the recent past and its tragedies. She’s moved and started a new life running a food truck in Widmore Bay, a quaint seaside town, in order to flee her agonising history. It’s only for little Jack’s sake that Jill tolerates the tree and decorations. She just wants to spend Christmas with the curtains drawn, reading a book and drinking coffee. But this season, she may stumble onto a miracle that restores joy—and hope—in her heart.

My Review:
This is not your typical, fluffy Christmas read., but it is a heartfelt and hopeful one that I enjoyed very much. The author deals with some heavy subject matter such as addiction and grief. She does so in a very realistic and sensitive manner. I loved how she mentioned the stigma and preconceptions of people suffering from addiction. Yes, the poor, and homeless do suffer from this problem but so do the upper class and the rich, it does not discriminate. 

Jack Jr. was an adorable character and also portrayed in a realistic way and I appreciated the author's ability to do so. I liked how the story shed light on how addiction affects everyone around the user, such as family and friends. The book warns of the issues surrounding alcohol and drug abuse without ever feeling preachy.

In the end, this family came together for the sake of the child, but they reaped the rewards as well. They healed themselves all for a little boy at Christmas. The story was also about community and lending a helping hand, but also accepting one. This is the type of book that you will remember and think about long after you finish reading it.

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