The Secret MotherThe Secret Mother by Shalini Boland

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Who am I now? Not a wife? Not a mother? I have no ambition, no place or real purpose. I screw my eyes shut tighter and slide down further underneath the duvet.

I Love Shalini Boland's books and this one was another hit. I love how her writing leaves you wondering what you would do in a situation like the ones she writes about so well. Even though I had the plot and the twist figured out pretty early on I really enjoyed reading what was happening to Tessa and what she was doing about it.

I thought this was an entertaining but also tragically sad story. It contained such insightful commentary about society and our values and our relationships. The judgments and self-righteous criticisms we often make about other people when we have no idea what their circumstances or situation might be ... really uncharitable and hypocritical as well. I highly recommend this book.

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