Some Books Aren't for Reading by Howard Marc Chesley

ebook, 272 pages
Expected publication: March 29th 2019 by Roundfire Books
About the Book:
Martin Fourchette is on a mission to retrieve his priceless, first-edition copy of The Old Man and the Sea, inscribed on the flyleaf by Papa Hemingway himself. He unearthed it at the bottom of a bin of castoffs at a thrift store in Anaheim, and then Helmet-Head, Martin’s moped-driving book-scout competitor and nemesis, filched it. How, after an auspicious start at Hotchkiss and Yale, then a great job in advertising and a loving young family did Martin manage to lose it all and fall so far from grace? That is something that he can’t help but contemplate while crusading through the dark recesses of Los Angeles as he struggles to retrieve his treasured book from a dishevelled, moped-driving Moriarty.
I completely fell under this books spell and cannot stress enough how exquisite the writing is in this story - you really have to read it to feel the masterful ebb and flow of words that Mr. Chesley effortlessly employs. Martin found an eternal place in my heart as we journeyed together. Helmet-Head was less likeable and as we learn more about who he is and where he came from, we recognise his coldness for the defence mechanisms that they are.
Saying I loved Some Books Aren't for Reading is an understatement. The plot is fresh and unique, the book is everything a thought-provoking, emotional, and heartfelt book should be and I am a fan of Howard Marc Chesley for life after reading it.
Thank you NetGalley, Roundfire Books and Howard Marc Chesley for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an impartial review; all opinions are my own.
#SomeBooksArentForReading #NetGalley
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