The Locked Attic by B.P. Walter

.ePUB, 233 pages
Expected Publication: 24 Nov 2022
By: HarperCollins UK | One More Chapter
Goodreads | Amazon

About The Book:
There’s something in my neighbour’s attic.
Something steeped in shadows. A secret to everyone. Seen by no one…He stands sometimes at the window. Hidden in the corner of my eye. I know he’s there. I know he’s watching. Now my son is dead. My neighbour is not. And I’m going to find out why.

My Review:
This was my first read by this author and I have to say his marketing department isn't doing him any favours or justice. From the blurb and cover a person would think this is about people locked in an attic and a mother's revenge for her child having that done to them. A person would be forgiven for thinking that this book is a thriller, but it isn't. It doesn't mean that this is a bad book, in fact, it is a  pretty decent book by any measure but it isn't what we readers are led to believe it is, don't let that cover fool you. This is more of a domestic drama or a domestic noir at a stretch.

There were many themes dealt with throughout the story, LGBTQ, grief, classism, and adultery to name but a few. I loved that about the book. It took on many serious issues in a very realistic and sensitive manner. The plot was a unique one and grabbed my attention right away. The story is short and so absorbing I managed it in a single sitting. I loved the format of the book where we are getting multiple points of view and varying timelines. The writing is well crafted and the plot is multi-layered, Walters certainly has talent and I would read more of his books.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the Advance Readers Copy.


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