How to Destroy your Husband by Jess Kitching

.ePUB, 318 pages
Expected Publication: 23 Oct 2022
By: Kingsley Publishers
Goodreads | Amazon

About The Book:
Cassie Edwards swore she’d never fall in love… then she met Jamie. He changed everything, and Cassie’s never been happier. But with less than one month to go to her wedding, Cassie discovers Jamie is cheating on her with his colleague. Blinded by rage, Cassie makes it her mission to seek revenge on the pair. When Cassie looks deeper into her fiancé’s life, she soon realises being faithful isn’t the only thing he’s lying about. As her hunt for the truth takes her to some of the darkest corners of the internet, Cassie learns just how little she knows about the man she shares her life with. It leaves her wondering one thing – is Jamie someone she should destroy, or someone she should fear instead?

My Review:
I wait to feel a change within me, a niggling guilt telling me I’ve crossed a line, but it never comes. 
All I feel is the sweet sensation of jubilation.

Ah, revenge is a dish best served cold, and our protagonist Cassandra Edwards is the queen of revenge. This is basically an anatomy of the revenge trope and I loved it, especially how Cassie refused to be a victim of her misogynist fiancé. I sped through this read because I couldn't wait to see it all unfold.

This was so deliciously different and excitingly evil in the best way possible. This is something every hurt woman dreams of but Cassie doesn't just dream it, she plans it out in meticulous detail in the most spectacular way. But I did learn from this that maybe revenge isn't always the best way, does it take a little of your soul, or is it satisfying when the male chauvinist pig gets his due??

I did like that this seemed possible but the only thing I didn't buy was Cassie and Tara's relationship developed so quickly and how fast Tara jumped at the chance to help so fast and so much. I also figured out one of the big surprises at the end, the other I had no idea of, so that was a great surprise. I adored Cassie's friends, they really had her back and were the perfect side characters as they were so different from each other.

This is a psychological thriller in the truest sense of the word as Cassie goes nuts after finding out about Jamie and even crazier trying to exact her revenge. It is well-written, very engaging, written from the first-person perspective I like and the dramarama is very entertaining. This was such a satisfying domestic drama and I would read more of this author's work.

 Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the Advance Readers Copy.

#HowToDestroyYourHusband #NetGalley

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