Five Days Missing by Caroline Corcoran

Five Days Missing
.PDF, 368 pages
Expected Publication: 17 Feb 2022
By: Avon Books UK

About The Book:
Having a baby is all about firsts. The first touch. The first kiss. The first cuddle. They mark a lifetime of firsts – including the first goodbye. When Romilly says goodbye to her new baby daughter, abandoning her at the hospital hours after giving birth, no one can understand why she would leave – and where she has gone. In those first few hours she had been the image of a doting mother and would have done anything to protect her baby. Something has clearly gone wrong. Could it be that Romilly is suffering from postpartum psychosis, just as her mother did? Or is something even worse at hand? A danger so grave that she would leave her longed-for daughter to escape it.

My Review:
This is my second book by Caroline Corcoran, I really enjoyed The Baby Group and this one didn't disappoint either. It was quite the page turner and a lot of chapters ended on a bit of a cliffhanger so I couldn't stop reading. I found it very intense and absolutely absorbing. 

I didn't like that it was a tad repetitive with the postpartum psychosis questioning and there was a tad too much back and forth with the internal dialogue...that got to be a bit much...but otherwise a near perfect domestic suspense that I read in one sitting, had a couple surprising twists I didn't see coming and I loved the ending of it too.

With many thanks to NetGalley, Caroline Corcoran and Avon Books UK for the giving of the ARC.



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