Olive by Emma Gannon

#Olive #NetGalley
.ePUB, 297 pages
Expected publication: March 9th 2021 by Andrews McMeel Publishing

About the Book:
Olive is many things. Independent. Driven. Loyal. And a little bit adrift. She’s okay with still figuring it all out, navigating her world without a compass. But life comes with expectations and big choices to be made. So when her best friends’ lives branch away towards marriage and motherhood, leaving the path they’ve always followed together, she starts to question her choices—because life according to Olive looks a little bit different. Moving, memorable, and a mirror for anyone at a crossroads, OLIVE has a little bit of all of us. Told with humor and great warmth, this is a modern tale about the obstacle course of adulthood and the challenges of having—and deciding not to have—children.

My Review:
Two women, one result, two totally different responses whirring around in our heads, 
I could feel them clashing in the air.

Emma Gannon captures so many emotions in this book. I truly felt that she had lived some of my experiences in life, when reading this book. She captures the exact feelings I have felt. There is sadness and humor in the story line all mixed together with such delightful characters, and a few not so delightful.  I really loved Olive's relationship with her sister, it reminded me a lot of me and my sis. ♥️

I enjoy stories about friendship and this one hits that mark, it also deals with issues many women face...namely to have children. I have two wonderful sons and neither have any desire to have kids. One is married and his wife is happy being able to focus on a career and traveling. As much as I would love a grandchild I didn't have kids for that reason and as long as they are happy and fulfilled I am happy. I only asked them once and when I got an answer I left it at that.

Poor Olive doesn't have that and it makes her feel angry, sad and left out. I loved how this book made me feel those things as well but I also found myself laughing out loud. What supported this beautiful and emotionally charged story is no doubt the strong writing. Literally each word sank in on me without any resistance, and it flows impeccably and smoothly, driving me further into the story without losing momentum. If this is an indication of what I can expect from this author, I’m all game to read more from her, this was a great debut novel.

Thank you NetGalley, Emma Gannon and Andrews McMeel Publishing for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an impartial review; all opinions are my own.

#Olive #NetGalley


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