Georgie, All Along by Kate Clayborn

.ePUB, 321 pages
Expected Publication: 24 Jan 2023
By: Kensington Book

About The Book:
Longtime personal assistant Georgie Mulcahy has made a career out of putting others before herself. When an unexpected upheaval sends her away from her hectic job in L.A. and back to her hometown, Georgie must confront an uncomfortable truth: her own wants and needs have always been a disconcertingly blank page. But then Georgie comes across a forgotten artifact—a “friendfic” diary she wrote as a teenager, filled with possibilities she once imagined. To an overwhelmed Georgie, the diary’s simple, small-scale ideas are a lifeline—a guidebook for getting started on a new path. Georgie’s plans hit a snag when she comes face to face with an unexpected roommate—Levi Fanning, onetime town troublemaker and current town hermit. But this quiet, grouchy man is more than just his reputation, and he offers to help Georgie with her quest. As the two make their way through her wishlist, Georgie begins to realize that what she truly wants might not be in the pages of her diary after all, but right by her side—if only they can both find a way to let go of the pasts that hold them back.

My Review:

I so enjoyed Love Lettering by this author. She really knows how to write touching, romantic stories. This one is a heartfelt, yet slow-going, touching story about Georgie and how she returns to her hometown to start anew. 

I loved the characters in this book. They were real, true to life, and similar to people everybody knows. Georgie and Levi were so adorable together and I liked them as a couple. I appreciated the way the author wrote chapters from the point of view of each of them. The side character of Georgie's BFF, Bel is exactly the type of best friend any woman would be lucky to have. I loved that the book told the story of two youngish (compared to me) people growing and learning to love themselves, people can learn a thing or two from this couple. 

The plot had my emotions all over the place. One minute I'd be crying and the next laughing my butt off. The sex scenes in this book we hot and steamy. I am not usually one who goes for that sort of thing but with the romance factored in Clayborn nails it. Just a warning though, it tends to get a bit graphic so if that is something that would bother you as a reader be warned. 

 While I enjoyed a lot about this book it was a little too slow going for my tastes and a little long in the tooth for what it is so I can't bump it up to four stars but I think many people will like it and I would read more of this author's work for sure.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the Advance Readers Copy.

#GeorgieAllAlong #NetGalley

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