A Love to Last a Lifetime by Clare Swatman

.ePUB, 276 pages
Expected Publication: 23 Jan 2023
By: Boldwood Books
Goodreads | Amazon

About The Book:
The one that she wants...
Adam Bowers; handsome, funny and with the charm of a rock star, from the moment she laid eyes on him, teenage Erin was smitten. But first loves don’t always last, and after a whirlwind romance, Erin and Adam go their separate ways. Yet, Erin never lets go of the feeling that Adam may have been her soul mate...
The one that she needs...
Greg fell in love with Erin in their first week at university. Solid, trustworthy and hopelessly devoted to Erin, he knows he's better for her than the feckless Adam, who is forever leaving Erin broken-hearted, before winning her back with his charm. As far as Greg is concerned, it’s easy to promise the world, but it’s harder to love someone for a lifetime.
The one that got away...
Years later Greg and Erin are married, and although life hasn’t always been easy, Greg’s love for Erin has never dimmed. But when Adam comes back, in desperate need of Erin's help, everything changes. Erin starts to wonder whether fate is trying to tell her something…
Will Erin risk it all for the man she had thought was ‘The One’?

My Review:
This is my third book by this author. Having read and loved both Before We Grow Old and How To Save A Life I was so excited to get approved for this on NetGalley. Clare Swatman always seems to tug at my heartstrings. She has such a lovely way with words and putting feelings to paper. I felt so many emotions while reading this book. I was happy and laughing at times and felt sad and angry too, it also made me swoon at the lovely dovey bits.

Everyone has heard of the one that got away, I even have one myself. This is the case for Erin, who is married to Greg, when her one that got away, Adam, comes back. I really liked the format of this book with now and then chapters. Funnily enough, I liked the now chapters more than the then. I usually like the before chapters more because getting to know the character's background is so much more interesting but in this case, I found Erin and Adam's current story much more engaging. I still really liked the then chapters, very much.

I have to mention that each chapter has the title of a song as its heading. Oh how I enjoyed being taken back in time. I was a teen in the 80s and my son was a teen in the 90s so the songs gave not only the characters memories but me as well. One chapter is titled Don't You Want ME Baby by The Human League and it reminded me of my son singing it as "Don't Chew On Me Baby".

I really appreciated how authentically the dementia patient was portrayed. My aunt had early onset dementia and the author did an amazing job making it realistic from both the patient's point of view and the family's as well. What a beautifully poignant read by an author who has become one of my favourites and an auto buy for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the Advance Readers Copy.

#ALovetoLastaLifetime #NetGalley

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