What Rose Forgot by Nevada Barr

Kindle Edition, 304 pages
Published September 17th 2019 by Minotaur Books and St. Martin's Press
About the Book:
Rose Dennis wakes up in a hospital gown, her brain in a fog, only to discover that she's been committed to an Alzheimer's Unit in a nursing home. With no memory of how she ended up in this position, Rose is sure that something is very wrong. When she overhears one of the administrators saying about her that she's "not making it through the week," Rose is convinced that if she's to survive, she has to get out of the nursing home. She avoids taking her medication, putting on a show for the aides, then stages her escape. The only problem is—how does she convince anyone that she's not actually demented? Her relatives were the ones to commit her, all the legal papers were drawn up, the authorities are on the side of the nursing home, and even she isn't sure she sounds completely sane. But any lingering doubt Rose herself might have had is erased when a would-be killer shows up in her house in the middle of the night. Now Rose knows that someone is determined to get rid of her. With the help of her computer hacker/recluse sister Marion, thirteen-year old granddaughter Mel, and Mel's friend Royal, Rose begins to gather her strength and fight back—to find out who is after her and take back control of her own life. But someone out there is still determined to kill Rose, and they're holding all the cards.

I'll start by saying that this is my first Nevada Barr book and it was fantastic. I really liked the writing, it was easy to follow and made it easy to have a quick reading pace. It's written very clear and to-the-point type sentence structure which I liked. No worry about super long information dumping sentences.

I thoroughly enjoy this book. The characters are fully formed and I enjoyed getting to know them and what made them tick, especially Rose. I loved Rose's spunk, strength and sense of humour. The plot was good and very exciting, it was intriguing and managed to keep me reading without boring me. And even though the ending didn't impact me like I wanted it to, it still surprised me and I'm happy with it. I didn't see that outcome or predict it beforehand which is nice.

When you start a novel, you never know where it will lead you and I never knew what Rose forgot or where her escapades would lead us, books like this opens the mind to what is out there and what different paths are given and taken.

Thank you NetGalley, Nevada Barr, Minotaur Books and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an impartial review; all opinions are my own.



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