Her Last Holiday by C.L. Taylor

.PDF, 339 pages
Expected Publication: April 29th 2021 by Avon Books UK

About the Book:
You come to Soul Shrink to be healed. You don’t expect to die. Two years ago, Fran’s sister Jenna disappeared on a wellness retreat in Gozo that went terribly wrong. Tom Wade, the now infamous man behind Soul Shrink Retreats, has just been released from prison after serving his sentence for the deaths of 2 people. But he has never let on what happened to the third suspected victim: Jenna. Determined to find out the truth, Fran books herself onto his upcoming retreat – the first since his release – and finds herself face to face with the man who might hold the key to her sister’s disappearance. The only question is, will she escape the retreat alive? Or does someone out there want Jenna’s secrets to stay hidden?

My Review:
This was such a unique premise, I have never been to a wellness retreat and thought it would be interesting to read about one. Well...if this is what a retreat is count me out!

I had a really hard time connecting to the characters, from the sheer number of them to the fact they were pretty much all horrible. Add in all the different name changes and double sided double talking I was completely confused. In the before chapters characters have different names than the after chapters. And two characters are using false identities, one of which is the name of another character...so you have two people being called the same name. It was head spinning!

I found so much of the book implausible and improbable and the back and forth in timelines with the different names really made this book hard to enjoy. The ending just seemed to go on and on and by that point I really didn't care any longer...I was just glad it was over and felt Jenna was lucky to be away from these people.

Don't take my word for it though as many people have given this book a high rating and it has an average of 3.8...not my friends though they have only given it a 3.2.

Thank you NetGalley, C.L. Taylor and Avon Books UK for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an impartial review; all opinions are my own.



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