The Perfect Mother by Caroline Mitchell

ebook, 313 pages
Published January 14th 2020 by Amazon Publishing UK
About the Book:
Roz is young, penniless and pregnant. All she wants is to be the perfect mother to her child, but the more she thinks about her own chaotic upbringing, the more certain she is that the best life for her baby is as far away as possible from her hometown in Ireland. Determined to do the right thing, Roz joins an elite adoption service and can’t believe her luck. Within days she is jetting to New York to meet a celebrity power couple desperate for a child of their own. Sheridan and Daniel are wealthy and glamorous—everything Roz isn’t. Her baby will never go hungry, and will have every opportunity for the perfect life. But soon after Roz moves into their plush basement suite, she starts to suspect that something darker lurks beneath the glossy surface of their home. When Roz discovers she isn’t the first person to move in with the couple, and that the previous woman has never been seen since, alarm bells start ringing. As the clock ticks down to her due date, Roz realises her unborn baby may be the only thing keeping her alive, and that despite her best intentions, she has walked them both into the perfect nightmare.

I really liked the premise of this book but unfortunately the execution failed. It bordered on ridiculous and I was shaking my head so often I am surprised I don't have whiplash. The uneven pace seemed to have a lot of scene fillers that didn’t advance plot or characters and I honestly didn’t feel any tension in the story.

I really wanted to like this book and I was hoping it was one of those eye openers, start a conversation type of books. Surrogacy, adoption and infertility are major issues. Unfortunately, it became an ludicrously written novel. The book had so much promise but never delivered in terms of plot or character development. At 313 pages I am glad the book wasn’t longer. Two stars, one for the premise, and one for the OK writing.

Thank you NetGalley, Caroline Mitchell and Amazon Publishing UK for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an impartial review; all opinions are my own.

#ThePerfectMother #NetGalley


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