My (extra)Ordinary Life by Rebecca Ryan

Print Length: 448 pages
Publication Date: January 5th, 2023
By: Simon & Schuster UK
Goodreads | Amazon

About The Book:
When watching a documentary on the average human experience, Emily realises she's the epitome of the typical woman. Her name, her height, her occupation… even her blood group. The only thing unusual about her is that she’s a twin. But her twin died when they were only 8 and Emily can't help but think maybe her sister was meant to live instead of her. Secretly she suspects her sister would have done a better job at life... better than average anyway. So Emily writes a list committing her to live a more extraordinary life… she’ll become a vegan, run a marathon and bungee jump. But the one thing she knows she can’t do though is fall in love… because according to the stats this is the perfect time for her to meet the person she’ll marry. And normal just won’t do.

My Review:

How do you fail at living when you’re alive?
This book is such a heartbreaker but by the end, my heart was put back together again. I adore books that can do that. Who among us hasn't felt average or boring at some point in our lives? Emily Turner keeps comparing herself to her mirror twin, Claire and feels she doesn't live up to what she might have made of herself...I think it was survivor's guilt she was feeling. I wanted to shake her and tell her she doesn't need to live up to anyone! I had to keep reminding myself that she is fairly young and still trying to find her groove in life.

Emily has the best of best friends in Kaz, they have been friends since childhood, she knows all her secrets and they are flatmates, I loved this character SO much. We could all use a Kaz in our lives. Feeling a little down on herself she asks her year eleven students what makes someone extraordinary and she makes a "Life List" of things to do, one a month for eight months. She also swears to herself that she will not fall in love or meet her soulmate (too average and too normal).

That humans can be so unbearably sad and yet so ridiculously happy at the same time really is quite the feat of evolution.
The book is told in two timelines and I liked the flashback chapters the best. Reading about Claire and Emily's childhood and their relationship really made me feel like I knew these girls. And even though the subject matter was really sad this book was also very funny in some parts and Rebecca Ryan had a lovely balance throughout the book. I couldn't stop reading as I had to find out how Emily did with each item on her list and in the end, I was really proud of her. I enjoyed this book immensely and it deserves ALL. The. Stars.

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